Sunday, July 1, 2018

This week I went to the USDA website to access the web soil survey tools to examine soil health in Buncombe County. What I found was a ton of information including soil health/chemical properties, vegetative/forest productivity, land management/classifications, water management/hydrology, and so much more which lends much insight about the area, it's resources and components. I am a newbie at this (as you can probably all tell), so this website offered a lot for me to feast my eyes and brain on. I think that the availability of this data is incredible and a little overwhelming but I will keep at it!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Here are some links to local and national weather showing past severe weather, flood risk, and trend in temperature increases all available from The National Weather Service website. There is a wealth of information available and the website is easy to use and understand.